to blog or not to blog
The blog panic set in again this morning. It does every day. I think it’s the post-euphoric letdown that occurs every morning after I post what I didn’t think I was going to be able to pull off the night before. In short, one more day…one more blog. Every day I think to myself, “I can’t do this!” How can I come up with something fresh…and new…and honest…without damaging my already fragile self esteem? Ok, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration; I hear nobility is prone to exaggeration.
Tonight I decided that I needed a respite from the pressures of the daily blog. To perhaps even skip a night altogether—I was sure I would be forgiven. I just needed a night to relax…to enjoy my vacation. Maybe even have a romantic evening out with my husband. Just the two of us in a dimly lit restaurant with soft music playing in the background…something that could be a prelude to further romance in the dark of the night at home.
So, of course we decided to take the girls with us! We made it into a family night of very loud music at Eddie’s Attic—songwriter’s open mic night. The girls had never been to Eddie’s and I enticed them with the promise that John Mayer was in town and could possibly…just maybe…pop in unannounced. Eddie’s was where JM got his start! So surely it was a strong possibility.
I tried to get tickets to John Mayer’s show with no success. Everyone knows I love John Mayer. What’s not to love? Yeah, yeah…let’s not go there!
So we rolled up to Eddie’s Attic an hour later with the girls in tow. We promised them good food, good music, and cute guys on stage to get them to agree, but the first thing they said upon our arrival was, “Will you buy us an Eddie’s Attic t-shirt?” (Which immediately reminded me that I needed to get my Bikini Wax Disaster t-shirts done.) But the girls didn’t let my thoughts wander for long. They dragged me back into the here and now with another impassioned plea for the twenty dollar apiece t-shirts.
So I did what any self respecting mother would do—I stalled while I tried to come up with a good reason not to say no and save myself forty dollars.
We settled into our seats (as close to the stage as humanly possible) and proceeded to look over the menu. Of course, the waitress was wearing one of the damn t-shirts!
The food at Eddie’s is pretty good. The talent can be spotty. Some nights it’s all solid gold, and other nights, it’s a lot of gold plated brass. It would figure that on the one night we decided to drag the girls along it was a slow start. The show lasts until eleven and they were ready to leave at eight-thirty.
I was praying for a cute guy—any cute guy—to take the stage. The long haired country singers from 1970 were not cutting it for my two sixteen year old girls! I knew they were thinking about how Lady Gaga would spice things up about now. I was not hoping for Lady Gaga, but I was secretly wishing that the whole John Mayer thing wasn’t just a bunch of BS I made up to get the girls to agree to tag along. Besides, stuff like that always comes back to haunt me.
Which is why I broke down and bought the t-shirts. I figured that would buy me another half hour—forty-five minutes if I was lucky.
The girls finally chased us out of Eddie’s at nine-thirty. We made it two whole hours and managed to exhaust them thoroughly while we were at it. Things started to heat up on stage just as we were living. It figures.
John Mayer never did show up. At least not while we were there. With my luck he showed up just before eleven to close out the show. Oh well…leaving when we did gave me just enough time to write my blog before heading to bed. And if I’m lucky, things might just heat up back at home! But don’t expect a blog about THAT tomorrow night. I’m not allowed!
Until the next time…I’ll be listening to Gravity on repeat!