Erica Lucke Dean

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I'll trade you a year of manicures for granite countertops

You should create a home wherever you live.

More kitchen work today. 

Mike and I got up early and started with the cabinets.  We are moving them up to add an open shelf underneath.  We will also be putting granite tiles on the counter and a subway tile backsplash on the wall. 

I can’t wait until it’s done.

A very interesting question was posed to me yesterday.  It went something like this… “why are you doing renovations if you are just renting your house?”

I think of it this way…

Why do women have their nails done or put expensive highlights in their hair?  Why do men spend all that money playing golf?  Easy…because it makes them feel good.  It is money you never get back, but while it lasted, you enjoyed it immensely. 

My husband and I decided that just because we were renting our house, it was no reason to live in a less comfortable environment.  We decided that just like painting the walls, hanging art, curtains, and adding built in bookcases to store our countless books, making some subtle changes to the kitchen to make it more functional for the way we live was a wise investment.  Even if we ultimately don’t get to keep it.

We both spend a great deal of time in our home, so making it the best home possible is something we agreed was important.  And the kitchen is easily the most important room.

So we set a budget, made a plan, and shopped for reasonably priced tile (both marble and granite) to make the changes that would make us feel more at home in our home.  Since we are doing the work ourselves, the cost will be inexpensive, but the results will be amazing.   

Oh, and we have the option to buy this house.  And we might.  It is the perfect house for a pair of almost empty nesters and their menagerie of animals.

But whether we buy or not, we will be living here for a few years while we save up for the house in mountains of North Carolina.  And I would really like the place I live to feel like home…wouldn’t you?

Until the next time…I’ll be doing a little touch up painting in the kitchen.