Erica Lucke Dean

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glad I'm not the only one

Sometimes, it truly seems like I am the only one.  The only one to dive boldly into the unknown with nothing but a butter knife to defend myself! 

Ok, so I'm not diving into the unknown with a butter knife...but it certainly feels that way sometimes.  So what if my unknown is just a grocery aisle and a boxed waxing is still danger in the making. 

Today, my husband proved his affection for reckless abandon when he packed us up in the car for an adventure of his own.  We set out just after noon.  Our desination?  A warehouse filled with wood beams and unfinished flooring. 

We were going to begin the planning stages for our rustic retreat! 

The ride was long, but scenic, as we zig zagged along the backroads of Georgia and Tennesee.  We passed several fishing holes, and a llama farm along the way.  I wanted to stop and take pictures, but we were on a schedule.  The lumber yard closed at four.

We stopped to eat once, and once more for gas and drinks before arriving at the warehouse just before three in the afternoon.  We had plenty of time to spare!

We could see the stacks of beams and logs long before we got close enough to figure out where the parking lot was.  I could see the excitement in my husband's eyes as he looked over the large lumber yard in front of us. 

The excitement was short lived.

As we got closer to the entrance it became apparent that no other cars were parked anywhere nearby.  In fact, the entire area was deserted. 

The warehouse was closed.  It didn't appear to be open on the weekend at all. 

But he had checked before we left the house, hadn't he?  He looked up the hours on the internet before setting out...maybe even called to make doubly sure they were open...after all, it was a long drive.

No...he didn't.  In fact, he didn't remember if he had checked to see if they were open on the weekend at all.  He was taking a play out of my book...leaping into the abyss without as much as an umbrella to slow his fall.

Oh was a really nice drive!

And a really nice drive back too.  We stopped off at the shops in Blue Ridge, Georgia on the way home to make a whole day of it.  And as happy accidents go, it was a good one.  We ended up having a pretty nice day, all in all. 

I never did get to stop and take pictures with the llamas...but if you've seen one llama, you seem them all!

Until the next time...a camping we will go!