The cold weather has officially moved in.
I think we might have reached forty degrees today, but it felt much colder. The wind was gusting through the slightest cracks in the windows, whistling loud enough to wake me up at dawn. But I didn’t get out of bed at dawn…I lingered for as long as the dogs would let me. The extra time in bed felt wonderful!
The day was spent doing little more than organizing and cleaning the house, and I couldn’t be happier. It is something that is usually reserved for spring, but makes a wonderful difference if done in the winter. I can’t wait to tackle the garage!
Well…that might have to wait until spring.
Next week I will need to get moving on my shopping or I will never finish by Christmas. I may even get a jump on the wrapping. I always tell myself I’ll wrap it all before Christmas Eve but always seem to find myself scrambling to get it all done in the wee hours of the morning.
But before I start wrapping, I need to finish my winter cleaning. Tomorrow I’ll be finishing up a week’s worth of laundry and hanging more Christmas lights. And then I might start on the baking.
There is never a shortage of things to do in the month of December!
Until the next time…I’ll be blasting the Christmas carols while I vacuum.