just another tuesday for the rest of the world

How often do we tell people how thankful we are to have them in our lives...once a week, once a month, once a year?  We should do it once a day, because just like that...they could be gone.

My son was in a car accident this evening.  Thankfully, he walked away from it unscathed, but his car was unfortunately totalled.  We didn't blink an eye about the car.  It was my son I was worried about.  And I'm very glad that he is safely back in his room (probably reliving the moment again and again, wondering how he could have done things differently). 

We will never know, sadly.  Things don't work that way.  There is no going back and doing things differently, as much as we may wish we could. 

I certainly wish I could say Spencer's accident was the only low point in my day, but it wasn't.  I found out that one of my favorite aunts had to have medical tests done today, and I am worried about her too.  I have been thinking about my favorite times with her all throughout the day and I am saying a special prayer for her tonight...hopeful that the tests will come back fine, and she will be able to rest easy tomorrow night.  I'm sure she won't sleep much tonight.

I probably won't sleep tonight either, residual worry still coursing though my veins.  But I am definitely thankful that if I could sleep, I would wake up knowing my children are safe.  And there isn't much more we can hope for is there? 

Say a prayer for my aunt with me tonight...positive thinking and strong prayers work wonders, no matter what your beliefs are.

Until the next time...I'll be lying awake, counting my blessings!

Copyright © 2000-2018, Erica Lucke Dean. All rights reserved. Any retranscription or reproduction is prohibited and illegal.
Posted on March 22, 2011 .