Word of advice to the mildly paranoid?
Learn from my mistake...stay away from WebMD!
I spent the better part of last night and today researching my daughter’s growing number of symptoms from her “mystery illness”, since I had no way of taking her to the doctor on a Sunday, and no desire to spend hours sitting in the waiting room of the emergency room.
The symptoms I searched?
Rash, cough and fever…amazingly overabundant symptoms for some horrible diseases. Diseases that I was certain she must surely have!
I won’t even list the possibilities for fear that I will need to take a sedative to prevent a new round of panic attacks.
I don’t think she actually has all of those terrible diseases…but possibly one of them. Unfortunately, I don’t know which one. This is why I will be calling the doctor first thing in the morning to make an appointment. And right after that, I will be disinfecting my new sofa…the place she has been sleeping for the past two days.
On a positive note…the sofa is VERY comfortable even for the infirmed. I must keep that in mind for the next time I feel ill…which could be very soon, as I am either itching as a show of solidarity, or she’s contagious. It doesn’t sound good for book club tomorrow night…that will make two in a row I will have missed. I may never get a turn to host!
I suppose I have bigger things to worry about…like running out of calamine lotion!
Until the next time…I’ll be scratching behind my ear!