from a napkin to a book's really here. Today is the official release ​day for my book, To Katie With Love. I would have never guessed the scrawled out notes on a bar napkin would have actually brought me here. I'm not sure I have words to convey how exciting this is. And for those who don't write books for a living, it takes a really long time and a whole lot of effort to go from a bunch of words on a page to a published book.

To Katie With Love
By Erica Lucke Dean

You know that old saying, it takes a village? ​I know it wasn't used in this context, but it really does take a village to create a book. You start with a writer and an idea, and you go through edits and beta readers and more edits and proofreading and cover concepts and even more stuff I don't even know about because I was lucky enough to have a publisher do all that for me. A village.

Yet, I'm here to tell you, all the work is totally worth it when you see your words come to life in the form of a book. It's almost like having a baby...though slightly less painful, and way quieter, and never mind, it's nothing like having a baby. But it's still super exciting.

So today I official go from being an unpublished author to a published author. Now the fun part can begin as I set out to promote my book on a month long blog tour and as of yet unbooked live signings. ​And here I thought pigs were scary. Scary, exciting, life altering, amazing. I wrote a book and now people can go buy it. Who would have guessed?

Until the next time...I'll be promoting! 

Find To Katie With Love at these online retailers:

another day closer

I don't remember the first thing I wrote. Probably because I've been making up stories since before I even knew how to write them down. My parents used to talk about my imaginary friends and my elaborate tales, and flights of fancy. Thank goodness they've reached the age where they've forgotten all about those and moved on to other embarrassing memories. I'm sure the first several (hundred) stories I wrote were silly and ridiculous. I say that only because the first few I do ​remember were. Hell, I still venture into the silly and ridiculous from time to time.

My significant other (also known as the IDP, or Imaginary Dead President for those of you out of the loop) likes to tease me about living in an alternate universe...the place I spend most of my time. I try to rationalize it as a writer's prerogative, but maybe I am ​just weird. Hey, if I am, so what. I'm a writer.

Basically, I've always ​been a writer. It's more than what I do, it's who I am. And in just a few more days (four if you're keeping track) for the first time since those first goofy stories, I'm going to see one in print...with my name in bold letters across the bottom. My book.

Come Monday, it's gonna feel pretty damn good. I can't wait to write all about it.​

Until the next time...I'll be looking forward to my last weekend as an unpublished author.​

To Katie With Love - Cover

To Katie With Love - Cover

I am writer, hear me roar!

Have you ever needed a break?  And I don’t mean an hour…or even an afternoon.  I mean a real break. Like a few days’ vacation from life. I think it’s entirely possible my “all in” attitude has caused a major disconnect with my positive outlook.

Then again, I might just be really tired.   So tired, in fact, my judgment is skewed.

What do I mean, you ask?

Well, for one, I got into a debate with a group of fellow writers the other day.  It was silly.  I should have known better.  It was one of those arguments akin to talking religion or politics—never a wise idea, especially when you’re the only one arguing your side. 

But trust me…even when I’m not exhausted and out of sorts, I am likely to assert my convictions to an unwitting audience.  Especially when I know I’m right.

So I laid out my point.  Ran through the facts proving my position.  And finally, gave up when no amount of compelling evidence would sway their views. 

Oh well.

I don’t need anyone’s validation to prove I’m right.  And frankly, I was just too tired to go on. 

Then again…who knows…after a good night’s sleep I might be ready to jump back in with both feet and rally for a while longer. 

My kids tell me I have a black belt in “beating a dead horse”.  May as well put it to good use, right?

Until the next time…I’ll be taking a very long nap!