What the duck is going on?

Well, we were down to three ducks yesterday. The garden gnome has clearly struck again, and I was greatly saddened to see another duck missing from the flock. Then last night, we heard a great commotion (that's what I'm calling it) and my husband rushed outside and discovered only one duck in the yard. ​


We were devastated, of course. We love our ducks and their crazy antics. We started with eight ducklings and after a minor mishap with a large dog paw, found ourselves with seven. And for months, we had seven happy, devious, plotting ducks wandering the yard quacking at their own jokes and making the farm a happy place. Then the damn psycho gnome moves in (or a fox as some unbelievers have suggested) and suddenly we had one sad, lonely duck.

A little later, another duck showed up, like he'd taken cover in the melee, (leaving the female to fend for herself like a typical male...duck) and now we have two. From eight ducks to two in less than a year. We clearly need more ducks. And probably a bigger gnome trap. I guess it's back to the drawing board and the ACME website to search for traps. I was really hoping we just had a wiley coyote in the area. Everyone knows they can't catch ANYTHING.​

Until the next time...I'll be getting a stronger electric charge for the fence.​

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