Well, the time has come. After seven months of adventures with our little piggies, their time with us has come to an end. First thing Monday morning, the trailer will be hitched up and the piggies will take their final bow. I'll admit, I'm a little sad to say goodbye, but at least I know they had a good life while they were here.
I really have no words to say today, so I decided to say it all in pictures. Enjoy!
The Leaning Duck Farm homestead
Five little piggies cried wee wee wee, all the way home.
Getting used to their new home
Tasty treats!
Smile pretty for the camera!
Piggies are getting bigger every day
Give us a big kiss
This little piggy goes to market
And to think, it all started with a few chickens
Well, I hope you enjoyed this week's photo blog. I know I enjoyed playing with the effects on my camera to take the pictures.
Until the next time...I'll be saying goodbye to my piggies.