can you catch the flu over the internet?

I have always believed in the power of suggestion.  It can be used as a tool or a weapon.  But can it actually make you sick?

The flu is going around. 

My husband got an email from the office suggesting that he work from home because someone in the office had been diagnosed with a bad strain of influenza. Since he works from home more often than not, he was more than willing to stretch that out as long as possible.  But it definitely made me start thinking about the flu.

A few days later, a friend posted a status on Facebook stating that she had the swine flu—possibly the worst strain of influenza going around.  She has been very sick all week, and I am hopeful that she recovers fully, and soon.

I have had no contact with either of these people.  So why do I feel like I’m coming down with something? 

I was starting to wonder if you could catch the flu over the internet.   I haven’t been anywhere to catch anything from anyone.  Unless you count my time with the dogs and a few brief encounters with healthy individuals. 

Who knows…maybe the ghost has a cold I didn’t know about.

As for me, I’m going to hit the sack early…right after taking a few vitamins…you know, just in case.

Until the next time…I’ll be taking my temperature, again.

Copyright © 2000-2018, Erica Lucke Dean. All rights reserved. Any retranscription or reproduction is prohibited and illegal.
Posted on February 25, 2011 .