summer's eve

It is officially summer's in the evening before Friday...the very same Friday that herald's in the Memorial Day weekend...the first official weekend of summer!  And I couldn't be more excited.

I have great plans for this summer.  Plans for finally continuing the renovations at our house.  Plans for breaking ground on our mountain property.  And plans for getting serious about my writing again. 

I have certainly not given up on writing, but as it tends to do, life got in the way.

But with just a little bit of self control, I think I can bring things back on track again.  I will get to work on that right after the holiday weekend. 

I have great plans for this holiday weekend too.  I'm going to pull out the old family recipe for Strawberry Shortcake, and cook burgers and hotdogs outside on the grill.  The year may have started nearly six months ago, but I'm going to start fresh starting now. 

I have a new outlook on life, and I'm ready to get cracking on that plan. 

Who's with me?

Until the next time...I'll be jumping into summer with both flip flops!

Copyright © 2000-2025, Erica Lucke Dean. All rights reserved. Any retranscription or reproduction is prohibited and illegal.