I came, I saw, I painted the hell out of the place

Remember a few months ago I was on this crazy quest to find the perfect white? It was my goal to find the perfect shade to paint my living room and I was bound and determined it would be a warm billowy cloud white. I bought no less than a dozen samples, I painted boards, matched fabrics, annoyed the living crap out of my husband as I set out to find the perfect color. And today, nearly six months later I finally painted the room.


Yes, I totally ditched the idea of white on a crazy whim at the paint store. With no samples, no fabric matching, no thought whatsoever, I simply closed my eyes and picked a color.

Ok, so I didn’t close my eyes, but the rest of it’s true. I picked a blue/green gray and painted one wall. The others will follow tomorrow. And I love it…sort of. I’m still not quite sold, but I will be, once it’s all done. I hope. And for what it’s worth, my husband says the color looks like it belongs here. Like it was the color the house would want if it could speak. After all, the house was built in the 20’s and the color is a vintage 1920’s shade, so there you have it.

Now I just have to mourn the idea of white.

And as the kids reminded me (over and over again) white wouldn’t look good with dog slobber on it. And they might be right…probably right. But it would have been worth it. I’m sure of it.

Oh well. We’ll never know, will we?

Until the next time…I’ll be painting!

Copyright © 2000-2025, Erica Lucke Dean. All rights reserved. Any retranscription or reproduction is prohibited and illegal.

Ok...who put all this stuff in my house?

Time to take my head out of the clouds…cloud white that is. I was looking at paint chips as I reached my front steps and promptly tripped onto the porch.

This was the highlight of my day.

My house is beginning to look like an episode of Hoarders as I pull everything out of the cabinets, drawers, closets, etc to pack. I’ve unearthed assorted knick knacks, books, games, Christmas decorations, magazines, DVDs, not to mentioned all the other things I don’t even remember buying.

I mean…when did I buy purple and orange paint? And what on earth was I planning to do with it? It’s like I went through a comic book villian stage and completely blocked it out. These are the strange things people find at their local Goodwill. I guess I can find solace in the fact that someone will be delighted to find orange and purple paint samples one day soon.

And speaking of Goodwill…my husband has given me an ultimatum. I need to part with at least half of the magazines I’ve discovered. Half. Do you have any idea how many magazines he wants me to throw away?

Oh, hundreds at least. 

But I wasn’t done with those! They’re filled with really good decorating ideas. You never know when I’m going to redecorate my dining room using orange and purple paint splatters…oh wait. Never mind. I can get rid of that one.

And maybe the Marvel Comics Scene It game. I was awful at that. Oh, and the stained glass Christmas candle holders? Yeah, I probably won’t use those again. And I never once used the snowman muffin tins. Or the four bolts of fabric that were on sale but match absolutely nothing in my house…those can go too.

But do not touch the over one hundred white paint swatches scattered about every flat surface throughout my house. I’m definitely not finished with those.

But not to worry. I’ll find the perfect white paint yet. In fact, I’m almost there. Just a few more days.

Right…I’ll keep you posted.

Until the next time…I’ll be packing!


the dreaded white paint dilemma

To borrow from the Princess Bride yet again…picking the perfect white paint is a lot like going against a Sicilian when death is on the line.

The death of Vizzini courtesy of www.moviedeaths.comI’m not comparing myself to the Dread Pirate Roberts, mind you. In fact, I’m probably playing the part of the Sicilian here, as I clearly can’t choose the white paint in front of me.

In fact…I’m certain I can’t choose the white paint in front of my husband, or the white paint sample on the kitchen island, or even the white paint samples lined up along the top of the bookcase as I compare them in every possible light. I think I might rather drink the damn poison!

Ok…I’m exaggerating. A little.

I’m not exaggerating when I say I have at least a hundred color chips spread out across the kitchen table. And I’ve even bought a few of sample jars of paint to make large color boards, just like they say to do on HGTV. But the perfect creamy whites from the little chips all look chalky white when spread over a large area. Will I ever find the perfect color?

When it comes to white paint, I know exactly what I want. I can see it in my head. I just can’t find that magical color anywhere else. Well…maybe in a jar of mayonaisse, but I don’t think the paint Gods can color match a jar of Hellmann’s.

Then again…that may be a field trip for tomorrow. I’ll just spread some on a sandwich and I’ll have lunch when I’m done.

They call that multi-tasking.

And speaking of multi-tasking…I’d better get back to packing boxes if I’m ever going to get this house moved.

Until the next time…I’ll be looking for that perfect shade of mayonaisse!