Indiana Jones and the temple of turkey

"Listen up, turkey...if you don't run, I can't chase you..." 

"Listen up, turkey...if you don't run, I can't chase you..." 

I watched my dog follow the turkeys around the yard today. It's a slow speed chase through the underbrush, over the porch, and around the house. He never catches them, and you can tell this is by design. He just wants to keep them in his sights. If they run, he runs. If they walk, he walks. If they stop, he nudges them to get them to run again. It's fun to watch. But it makes me wonder what Indy's motives really are.

Is he just enjoying a little playtime with turkeys? Or is he thinking of the future. Is he aware of their true purpose in life? Can he puzzle out the reason they're here? After all, the turkeys of today are tomorrow's leftovers, right?

One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn't belong. 

One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn't belong. 

When the turkeys are out, Indy can be found in their midst, and when they're in their pen, he can be found napping at the entrance, waiting for them to come out again. In the end, I think he's just having a grand adventure. The chickens have become boring--yesterday's news. The turkeys are new and exciting, and they make weird noises. And dogs love things that run around and make noises. Indy practically worships the ground they walk on.

Like he's worshiping at the temple of turkey. I'll be interesting to see what happens as the birds grow up.

Until the next time...I'll leave you with more pictures of Indy and the turkeys.



the scoop

Do you remember that scene in Toy Story when Buzz and Woody got stuck in the game with the little aliens and the claw? I'll refresh your memory here... 

So, back to my story.

I was reminded of this scene today, when I went out to feed the turkeys . We've been allowing them to roam a little during the day. You know, enjoy the scenery, forage for bugs, bask in the sunshine.

"Ahhh...the scoop!" 

"Ahhh...the scoop!" 

But when I stepped off the porch at lunchtime carrying the giant green scoop filled with turkey feed, they all came flocking to me like bugs to a windshield. I was inundated by turkeys squawking and flapping wings until they all sat at my feet and got quiet, each of them gaping up at me with their homely little faces, in apparent awe of the green scoop. It immediately made me think of those little green aliens in Toy Story.

Especially after I poured out the food and instead of rushing to their meal, they continued to wonder at the empty plastic receptacle. I could almost hear them, "Ahhhh, the scoop. The scoop is our master."

But that's just crazy. Turkeys can't talk, right? 

Until the next time...I'll be listening to talking turkeys.